Peer Mesh Group

Controllers within a single SPB network must never peer with each other, regardless of whether mesh groups exist. In addition, both Controllers must have the same peerings configured with other networks RPs.

MSDP Peer Mesh Group configuration example
Configure MSDP:
If the MSDP speakers are fully meshed, the speakers can be configured into a mesh group in order to prevent excessive SA forwarding and RPF checks. To configure a mesh group, specify a name along with the MSDP peer. For example, on router RP1, configure a mesh group which includes RP2, RP3, and both Gateway controllers. On RP2, configure the same mesh group with members RP1, RP3, and both Gateway controllers. On RP3, configure the same mesh group with members RP1, RP2, and both Gateway controllers. On each Gateway controller, configure the same mesh group with members RP1, RP2, and RP3, but never with another Gateway controller in the same SPB domain.
Switch:1(config)#ip msdp originator-id Switch:1(config)#ip msdp enable Switch:1(config)#ip msdp peer enable Switch:1(config)#ip msdp mesh-group mgTest